Ace Hardware is rounding up to change kids’ health this holiday season!

Ace customers like the reward of transformation. The ability to build, create and improve. That’s
why the helpful place makes it easy to create lasting change, including how Sacred Heart Children’s Hospital, a member hospital of Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals, cares for kids. Amidst the hustle and bustle of the holidays, it can be easy to forget about the kids spending time at the hospital. Children’s hospitals are on the frontlines providing the treatments and cures patients desperately need, but they can’t do it alone.

Round up at Ace Hardware this holiday season! Your donation benefits Sacred Heart Children’s Hospital unlocking a world of possibilities. It ensures children can lead healthy, fulfilling lives while also fostering the builders and creators of tomorrow. 100% of donations made at our local Ace Hardware stores will directly support the remodel of our Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) to benefit many patients and their families now and for years to come.
During this season, we reflect on the time that has passed and the positive change we can offer to those around us in the coming year. Children’s hospitals bring joy and spread holiday hope for kids – and you can too! Round up at participating Ace Hardware locations this holiday season to support your local children’s hospital so they can continue to create a strong foundation for future generations.

Patients like Jade, our 2023 local champion, benefited from the critical funds raised by Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. At age 4, she was diagnosed with unfavorable Wilms Tumor – Stage IV. Jade endured 30 rounds of Chemotherapy, 8 radiation treatments, and a 10.5 hour long resection surgery/repair. She had countless blood transfusions and many hospital stays including time in our Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU). After all that, Jade was declared cancer free in June 2021. Today, she remains cancer free and is a happy, healthy 8 year old who loves her family, school, dinosaurs, horses, and is a social butterfly with her friends. Bring change to kids like Jade this holiday season, round up today!
Together, we see what the future can be and are working to make it a reality. Because when we change kids’ health, we change the future – for all of us.