Ace Hardware Vendors and Retailers Support CMN Hospitals at Fall Convention
The Ace Foundation wrapped up another successful weekend of fundraising for Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals at the Ace 2018 Fall Convention in Chicago, IL. The Foundation booth displayed recognition for the recently announced 2018 Ace All-Star Retailer, Dave Jones from Intown Ace Hardware in Decatur, GA, as well as the nominees for the award.
The booth also celebrated the over $100 million dollars Ace Hardware has donated to CMN Hospitals since the inception of our partnership in 1991. All attendees of the convention were excited to celebrate this incredible milestone for the brand and their local children’s hospitals.
The fundraising kicked off with a bang during the Windy City Welcome on Thursday, Aug 16, hosted by local Chicago Ace Retailers in support of Lurie Children’s Hospital. At the booth, vendors, retailers and Ace corporate staff purchased custom convention t-shirts with artwork by the 2013 Ace All-Star Ellie. 100% of proceeds benefited Lurie Children’s Hospital.
Additional booth activities included a large raffle, featuring daily drawings and a grand prize of $10,000 to the winning ticket holder. The Foundation booth also showcased incredible silent auction items, including custom pieces like the engraved sign (below) made in-house at the convention and donated by Hanros Studio.