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Miracle Bucket Days are HERE!

#MiracleBucket days are HERE! Now through August 6, you have the chance to help kids at Nationwide Children’s Hospital receive the care they need. Make a $5 donation to Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals at participating Ace Hardware stores and receive 20% off on almost anything that fits inside your bucket! 🛠️🦋

Thank you, ACE Hardware for your continued partnership and efforts to #ChangeKidsHealth!

Ace customers like the reward of transformation. The ability to build, create and improve. That is why the helpful place makes it easy to create lasting change, including how Nationwide Children’s Hospital, a member hospital of Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals, cares for kids.

Each year, more kids need the custom care that only children’s hospitals provide. Children’s hospitals are on the frontlines when it comes to protecting the health of future generations. But they can’t do it alone.

When you step up to help kids and buy a miracle bucket at one of the local Ace Hardware locations in your community, for $5, that donation goes to Nationwide Children’s Hospital, unlocking a world of possibilities. Allowing children, the opportunity to lead healthy, fulfilling lives while also fostering the builders and creators of tomorrow.

Thank you to our 29 Ace Hardware locations in central Ohio for supporting our patients!