A Little Change Goes a Long Way!
For 31 years, Ace Hardware has been making a difference for local kids and simultaneously changing the health and future of our communities. Last year alone, Ace customers across the country rounded up 17.5 million times. In 2021, our Ace stores raised $59,400 in round up alone for Geisinger Janet Weis Children’s Hospital!
Our Gerrity’s Ace Hardware in Clarks Summit, PA truly shows that a little change goes a long way. With a team of dedicated employee’s by his side, store Manager Bob set a goal for his store to become the highest fundraising location in 2021. Bob decided to keep round up turned on his register all year and continued to ask each customer to donate their change to Children’s Miracle Network. By the end of 2021, Gerrity’s Ace had raised $21,686, over $20,000 more than the year prior!
From now until April 30th, you can give back to local kids by rounding up your purchase at participating Ace locations. Because of dedicated partner’s like Ace, Geisinger Janet Weis Children’s Hospital is able to provide the best care to kids like Noah.