Round Up to Change Kids’ Health with Ace Hardware in South Florida!
You, Ace Hardware customers, like the reward of transformation. The ability to build, create and improve. That’s why the helpful place makes it easy to create lasting change, including how Nicklaus Children’s Hospital, a member hospital of Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals, cares for kids.
Children’s hospitals are on the frontlines when it comes to protecting the health of future generations. But they can’t do it alone.
That’s why participating Ace Hardware locations invite you starting April 1 to round up your purchase and provide needed funds for local member hospitals that support the health of kids treated in Nicklaus Children’s.
Round up for kids is a great way to give back to support kids and their families at our hospital where they can transform how they meet the most urgent needs, save more lives and protect the health of future generations.
Your donations help Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals support the health of kids like Nile, the 2022 Ace All Star. Nile was born prematurely with a bilateral cleft lip and palate, curved spine (scoliosis), absent right ear, coloboma of his left eye and tethered cord. Nile’s smile demonstrates his beacon of light to everyone around him and positivity to continue moving towards a brighter future. Donations provided the support of life-saving treatments, equipment and services helping him unlock a world of possibility.
Shop at your participating Ace Hardware and give your change so Nicklaus Children’s Hospital can continue to ensure our children lead healthy, fulfilling lives and foster the builders, crafters and creators of tomorrow.
When we change kids’ health, we change the future – for all of us.