Ace Hardware Building Blocks of Literacy Program
For 28 years, Ace Hardware has been a partner of UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospitals. Through this partnership, local Bay Area Ace Hardware locations have raised over $1.3 million for our patients and families. In 2018, local Ace retailers raised a record-breaking number of funds by engaging in Round Up campaigns, Bucket Day promotions, chocolate sales, and more.
Due to Ace Hardware’s continued commitment to our hospitals, in November 2018 we announced the Ace Hardware Building Blocks of Literacy program. This program, housed at UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital Oakland, will bring the joy and power of reading to our patients and ensure that every child and sibling has books to read while in our hospital.
During a group retailer meeting in November 2018, Bay Area Ace retailers donated new books to the inaugural Ace Hardware mobile book cart (pictured above). Stationed outside our Oakland School Room, this book cart is easily accessible to all patients and families and is replenished on a weekly basis. With funding from Ace Hardware, we will increase the number of books given to our patients from 800 to 2,000 each year!
Ace Hardware’s contribution to our School Program is incredibly impactful. The School Program at UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital Oakland has a nearly 30-year history of helping students learn and grow while they are in the hospital. In an environment often full of unfamiliar faces and noises, our classroom and dedicated staff provide a sense of normalcy and community, customizing curricula and experiences to meet each student’s needs and interests.