Drum roll please… the 2019 Ace Hardware fundraising results for The Barbara Bush Children’s Hospital are in!
Ace is the place with the helpful, and generous, hardware folks! Each year, our friends at Ace Hardware partner with our local Children’s Miracle Network Hospital to raise money for sick and injured children in the community. This is done through various fundraising events, including bucket sales, Round Up campaigns, and a golf tournament.
We are excited to announce that in 2019, the Ace Hardware stores in Southern Maine and New Hampshire collectively raised $54,937 for The Barbara Bush Children’s Hospital! We are so grateful for this partnership, and want to thank every Ace store, and their customers, for supporting our local children’s hospital.
Mark your calendars: the first 2020 Ace Hardware fundraising campaign will take place in April, so make sure to stop by Ace and support BBCH!